

Friday, September 17, 2010

What I'm hearing this week.

Sometimes I feel somewhat pretentious writing these things. I think "why in the world do I think anyone else would care what I have to say about this, let alone what music I am listening to?! "

But I think I am going to do this anyway ,and for who know how long, I'm going to try to share each week what I have been listening heavily to.

So here it goes......

My wife and I were talking last night about how it seems that for a short time you seem to forget about DMB. New music hits you and you are preoccupied for a while. Then for whatever reason you hear a DMB song and are blown away all over again. It is possibly one of the sweetest feelings I have ever felt, regarding music.

Hope you enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. Well, I CARE what you're listening to... whether anyone else does or not, because I just happened to notice your taste in music is particularly elegant (in a non-fem sense: like in mathematics, when solutions to proofs are labeled "elegant".) And trust me, I'm not trying to butter you up 'cuz yer my Pastor. Just being honest. KEEP POSTING. Dustin and I probably wouldn't have given DMB, a "second thought" if not for you.
