

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Beautiful Feet

The Bible calls the feet of those that deliver the message of God's heart beautiful. This is an interesting thought to me.

Many things are said of feet within the scriptures. However, this scripture has always meant something special to me. This does not speak simply of the appearance of our feet. The definition of the word beautiful in the Hebrew is " to be at home". This word is only used three times in the entire scripture.

Isaiah 52 states that our feet are beautiful "upon the mountain" when they mobilizing on behalf of the message of the Father. This does not simply mean that we live on the top of the mountain. I recently returned back from a ministry trip to France. The locations where we were invited to speak were amazing. The incredible landscape and handy-work of God overwhelms me at times. On several occasions we journeyed to a gathering place that was strategically placed atop a mountain. It was necessary as we journeyed to gather together to climb the steep terrain.

This is the picture of this passage. We do not live on top of the mountain. Our feet are to be "at home" as we navigate the difficult terrain necessary to deliver the message of the Lord. We are at home here. It is easy to feel at home on top of the mountain. Our joyful place of function is to be found in the process of doing whatever necessary to fulfill the will of our Father. This is what He calls beautiful.

Publish Peace. Isaiah 52:7


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ryan adams , if i am a stranger (Acoustic)

This song has chased me all week. Can't get it out of my head. I just thought I would share it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Influence #4- Dave Matthews Band

What can I say about the Dave Matthews Band. This band shaped the way I view music in so many ways. The intensity, the passion, and the ferocity with which they play is compelling.

This band taught me that you can be hard and not have to be heavy. Your sound can hit someone in the chest and not have to have screaming guitars and death metal pedals. Seeing them live is one of the greatest musical experiences that i can recall. This band does spontaneous music and vocals better than anyone I have ever seen, in or out of the church. They also taught me to never get in a hurry with music. Sometime you have to let it marinate.

In my opinion Dave is one of the best songwriters in many years. His lyrics are some of the best I can recount. Before These Crowded Streets is in my opinion one of the best album i will ever own.

Dave Matthews Band- Don't Drink The Water

Influence #3- Bruce Springsteen

It's is no wonder they call him "The Boss". Everything from Thunder Road to Secret Garden, I love it! I love that he can say exactly what's on his heart; share something so personal and exposed and still be a "tough guy" from Jersey. That is amazing!

I love his passion for music and well...passion! Even if you do not agree with his expressed views you should appreciate his passion towards what he believes in.

Bruce Springsteen- Born To run

Influence # 2

John Mark McMillan-

What can I say about this guy. He writes worship music that does something in me. He says the things that I feel. In my opinion the best worship songwriter i've heard since Prosch.

Sound. I love his raw sounds. His guitar player James Duke is probably in my top 5 of favorite guitarists out there right now.

Lyrics. I can't say enough. He writes lyrics that touch you and leave room for your personal expression. I love that his lyrics draw a picture, but don't color everything in for you. That leaves room for the listener to feel part of the song as they listen.

His blog says that John Mark writes songs for God and humans to listen to. Interesting.

John Mark McMillan- Ten Thousand


I have been thinking some lately about my influences, musically speaking. Not, "who do i try to sound or write like". But rather who has helped shape the way I think about music and creating a song. I will try to make the list as concise as possible.

Ryan Adams-

Ryan Adams is an amazing artist. From guitar tone to lyrical expression his music has certainly had a large effect on me. This song is one of my favorites.

Ryan Adams and The Cardinals - "Everybody Knows"